Christmas Mass Times 2023

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Holy Trinity Parish – 20th Anniversary!

20th annivesary

On June 27th, 2001 then Bishop Loverde established the parish of Holy Trinity in the northernmost part of Prince William County.  The founding pastor was Fr. Francis Peffley who had been ordained a little over ten years.  His vision, interaction with families, evangelical spirit and organizational skills set Holy Trinity parish on a clear path to provide a Catholic culture and aid its members to grow close to Our Lord through His Mother.

Thanks to the generosity of the Benedictine Sisters of Linton Hall and the Principal at Brentsville High School daily and Sunday Masses were held for seven years before our church was consecrated on February 2, 2008.

A parish is a grouping of Catholics with a priest(s) under the authority of a local bishop who is union with the Pope.  The goal of a parish is to bring people to Jesus Christ in this life and the next; to provide a Catholic culture; to help people get to heaven.

A parish is where all the sacraments are offered – though ordinations are normally held at the cathedral by the bishop.  How many babies have been baptized in these twenty years!  How many times has Our Lord’s Mercy been extended through the sacrament of Penance!  How many have attended Mass and received Jesus in Holy Communion in these years!  How many have received Confirmation!  How many have converted to Catholicism at Holy Trinity!  How many marriages have occurred at our parish!  How many in danger of death have been anointed!  How many, at the end of their lives, have received the graces of Our Lord’s Sacrifice in their Funeral Mass!

How many have been taught the Faith here.  How many have received support in living out the Faith through other Catholics and families at our parish.  How many strong friendships have been found at this parish.  How many have been strengthened in their faith.

And, yet, a parish is made up of imperfect human beings.  Though we try our best, each of us fails in various degrees.  Our Lord gives each of us grace to live each day in our vocations – single, married and consecrated.  Ah, how many virtues are nurtured in a parish: patience, humility, charity, forgiveness, perseverance, to name a few.  As a pastor, I am imperfect.  I can only ask your patience and prayers, especially when I have not been Christ-like.

May we thank Our Lord for the gift of Holy Trinity Parish and the many graces we have received from Our Lord.  May we strive to grow in our knowledge of Jesus so that we may love and serve Him in this life so as to be happy with Him forever in heaven.

God bless FRVW